Jonathan Esper presents “The Incredible Photographic Diversity and Richness of the Adirondack Park”
April 2 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Jonathan will present images and talk about photographing in the Adirondack Park. He will share his experience of the diversity of images that are possible in the Adirondacks.
About Jonathan
Website: https://www.wildernessphotographs.com/
Johnathan Esper, the photographer behind Wildernesscapes Photography, is a pro Adirondack region photographer and also a widely-traveled international photography workshop leader with over 100+ successful photography workshops and tours in the past 13 years. Johnathan offers comprehensive photography workshops and photo tours in the Adirondacks and internationally helping other photographers discover, appreciate, and intentionally capture great landscapes and light. Johnathan is also an accomplished outdoorsman, and is very passionate about discovering wilderness areas and beautiful vistas both in Arctic and Adirondack areas. His unique background includes living out of a car and exploring and photographing Iceland and other worldwide wilderness intensively for months at a time. Johnathan is a self-taught photographer natively from the Adirondack Mountains (USA), developing outdoor skills and an appreciation for nature from an early age. His middle name, Ampersand, is named after a mountain in the Adirondacks, and his passion for photography has taken him to remote areas around the world. Johnathan currently splits his time between photographing and guiding in the Adirondacks, Iceland, Greenland, and other worldwide destinations, as well as developing rural properties and building and operating Adirondack vacation rental homes. He is a frequent contributor to Adirondack Life magazine, and his photography is appreciated by many hundreds of publications, companies, and private collectors. You can explore more of his work on his photography website or by visiting his Adirondack landscapes Wildernesscapes Gallery in Wilmington NY via pre-arranged visit.