Workshop at LW-contact Cali if interested!

All Are Welcome Forums Public Square Resources Workshops/Courses Workshop at LW-contact Cali if interested!

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 day ago by DebP.
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    • #8625


        I am teaching a workshop for Light Work on Non-Toxic Black & White film developing in April, and I’m reaching out personally because I thought you might be interested!

        Here is some information:

        Spend an evening (4/23, 6-9 PM) with me and learn how to develop your black and white film using coffee! For black and white non-toxic processing, there are many formulas that allow you to experiment with different looks and feels to your work. Caffenol (coffee-based) processing dates back to 1995, created by Dr. Scott Williams at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Participants will learn how to mix their own negative processing chemistry using a combination of items from the grocery store, and then develop their roll of film.
        Please note: this is a DIY and very experimental process. There may be some inconsistencies during processing, so we suggest not using your most precious film.
        All materials are provided EXCEPT film – bring one roll of your own EXPOSED black & white film*. We will also have film dryers and light tables. No developing experience necessary!
        *Super 8mm, 16mm, 35mm, Medium Format, etc. ALL FORMATS WELCOME!
        *Includes a DIY flatbed scanning certificate to come back and scan your processed film! (Still images only.)
        *I have seen color film work with this process, but the color will definitely be distorted and I cannot guarantee the results.
        Compensation for participants who cancel will not be available.
        Image © Cali M. Banks. Courtesy of the artist. Super 8mm still.
        Here is the link to more lab courses and events

        Here is the link to the course

        Feel free to share with whoever may be interested, and let me know if you have any questions!


        Cali Banks
        Communications Manager
        Light Work

        Film & Media Arts
        Syracuse University

        Direct Line: 315-443-9933
        316 Waverly Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13244

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      • #8626

          Due to the fact that I copied and pasted the link is not live. Go to Lightwork on org…find the tab for Education and look up workshops.You can find out more details there, and then either sign up through there or reach out to Cali directly. Sounds like fun!


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