Getting Started

Join our member’s only FB page!

Follow our public-facing Facebook page:,

Membership dues are $50.00 for the 2023/2024 year. Membership allows you the ability to compete in our monthly competitions, participate in our workshops, and enjoy any activities (field trips, etc) the club provides.

We have two structured meetings a month. Our season runs from September through June. We provide workshops (usually 1st Wednesday of each month), competitions (3rd Wednesday of each month), and we are working on some Informative/Image Shows (last Wednesday of certain months). There is a calendar on the website for any changes to that structure. All of these functions are done through the zoom meetings. The club may offer extra events each month that can be virtual or in person as well. Again, refer to the calendar on our website.  

Competitions include a judge gathered from different aspects of the photographic community. Members compete in three levels: entry, advanced, or master class. You can start in any level but you must remain there for the year. Further information is available on the website. Ribbons are the norm and trophies are awarded at the end of year banquet. This year we will be holding the ribbons and possible trophies until the end of the year for dispersal.

While participating in our zoom meetings, please observe the need to mute your meetings for the judging competitions. The audience or participants are not allowed to comment, only the judge. For the other meetings, we will direct when it is necessary.

To submit your annual memberships dues, send a check via USPS, made out to Syracuse Camera Club to:

Dave Di Roma
7921 Springwoods Circle
Baldwinsville, New York 13027