Club Competition

Theme: Silhouettes A silhouette is an outline that appears dark (typically a single color) with little or no details/features against a brighter background. The camera’s sensor sees a silhouette when a foreground-object is placed in front of a strongly lighted background. The foreground-object looks black, … Continue readingClub Competition

Member Forum

Topic/Subject/Theme TBD  

Club Workshop: Linda Cohen

Topic: Looking Beyond the Labels – Design in Photography (Zoom link to be forwarded to members via SYRCAM)

Club Competition

Judge: Bruce Strong Judge's Statement: "I can be looking for different things in different photos. I often look for a narrative or emotional impact or a combination of the two." (Zoom link to be forwarded to members via SYRCAM)

Club Workshop: Bruce Harvey

Topic: Large Format for Fun and Profit You can check-out Bruce’s website here (Zoom link to be forwarded to members via SYRCAM)  

Club Competition

Topic: Landscape Landscape photography is the art of capturing pictures of nature and the outdoors in a way that brings your viewer into the scene and portrays an area of scenery where the land is dominant. A landscape photograph may include living things and man-made … Continue readingClub Competition

Club Competition

Judge: Sarah Cross Judge's Statement: In evaluating photographs, I am drawn to the interplay of light and shadow, seeking moments where they converge to transform the everyday. I believe a powerful photograph can be of the simplest subject, but captured in a way that reveals … Continue readingClub Competition